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Au Petit Gout Photography LLC

Au Petit Gout Photography LLC Blogger de comida


Food photographer Elisabeth Gaubeka got her love for food from her mother and aunts whose culinary heritage includes the great cuisines of Galicia and the Basque country. In her bog, "Au Petit Gout" or "A Little Taste" she expands on her philosophy of introducing children to a variety of foods and tastes to develop their palates as they grow.

Elisabeth grew up with the cuisine of northern Spain, which relies on a bounty of seafood and fresh local produce. When she moved to the Pacific Northwest in the USA, she discovered much the same culinary diversity. She cooks every day for her daughter Danielle, just as her mother did at home. In Spain there is no distinction between children's food and what the adults eat.

This European approach to food attracted Elisabeth. From a very early age her daughter savored all foods the adults enjoyed. Living in a country where there seemed to be a distinction between what kids and grown-ups eat, she felt compelled to share her own philosophy with other parents. The result is her popular food blog, "Au petit Gout.”

She taught herself photography at home by taking pictures every day. Her philosophy is to use only authentic ingredients and shoot using natural light with a minimum of post-processing. But her greatest source of inspiration remains her daughter who is the ultimate reason for her blog.